• Left behind

    (cliquez sur l'image pour afficher sa taille réelle)

    "Il n'est de pire cruauté que celle qui n'est ni voulue, ni consciente."

    "Sometimes, if you want to go on, you must be left behind."

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  • Our time is over

    (cliquez sur l'image pour afficher sa taille réelle)

    "Our time is over, she said quietly, sitting on the cradle.

    - It's cruel to remind me, he answered."

    She looked at him and smiled indulgently.

    "-It's not cruelty. It's just the way it goes. We had time, and it's now over.

    - Did we waste it? he asked bitterly.

    - No, she replied. Time you enjoyed wasting won't ever be wasted time. And I did enjoy our time.

    - Can't we go back?

    - No, we can't. But that's not what's important. You have to go on. On one day, you'll look at it and think it was wonderful but it wasn't meant to last. And it will make you smile."

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  • Looking for memories

    (cliquez sur l'image pour afficher la taille d'origine)

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  • Quand les mots ne suffisent pas

    (cliquez sur l'image pour afficher la taille d'origine)

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  • Échange, silence.

    Présence, souffrance.

    Engeance, malchance.

    Amour, toujours.

    Jamais, regrets.

    Ta tête, mon cœur.

    Méchant, tu mens.

    Mes sentiments.

    Douleur, quatre heures.

    Sommeil de plomb


    Un temps, amant

    Deux temps, distant

    Trois temps, comment ?


    Puis-je comprendre ?

    Puis-je apprendre ?

    Aimer, c’est bien.

    Aimer, c’est mieux.


    Un temps, amant

    Deux temps, distant

    Trois temps, comment ?


    Demain, chagrin

    Demain, entrain

    Demain, tu verras bien.

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